Vision Weekend at the Mathisle Hut

The first weekend of December 2014 we spend at a 250-year-old hut in the Black Forest. On Saturday we reflected on the shows, workshops and developments in 2014 and started to dream and plan the upcoming year.

The result of this exciting collective process was a tree (see pictures) – the roots symbolizing our experiences and history, the trunk to represent the present and a wide crown of dreams and wishes for the future. Inspired by the fun day we decided to develop new scenes on climate change in the first month of 2015.

For Sunday we invited all members of the association to the annual membership meeting (Mitgliederversammlung) to discuss the finances of the Freiburg Scientific Theatre e.V. and elect new board members. To enjoy the fact that the Mathisle Hut is surrounded by forest, we went for a long hike in the afternoon – and continued to plan a world/ transsiberian tour in 2016.